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  Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 12, 2017 6:22am-6:25am EDT

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he told me an exclusive interview that opposition is slowing down the process. watch. >> i have been waiting now for so many people. hundreds and hundreds of people. they say what they say wife and maria: maria: in the faster? you can do it faster because there obstruct team. their obstructionist. the people, hundreds of people that were trying to get through. you see the backlog. can't get them through. the newspapers will say trump doesn't get them. nothing to do with me statutorily you have to go through this process. so it's been a lousy process. it's taking a long time to get my cabinet.and as you know it's not done now. this is record stuff. talking about records in terms of time and it's very sad. you see even again with a supreme court judge that everybody agrees is outstanding. >> absolutely. the american people know it. trent >> i think they know it.
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i think they get it. a lot of times i'll say why does that so and so have people under him or her. we just can't get them approved. maria: people are still wondering why so many obama era staffers are here. for example, was admitted a mistake not to ask for the outset of presidency. >> no, not today. i have confidence. we will see what happens. it is going to be interesting. we have to just -- look, i have so many people who want to come into this administration. they are so excited about this administration and what's happening. bankers, law enforcement, everybody wants to come into this administration. don't forget, when ginned call me came out, he saved hillary clinton. he saved her life. i joke about it a little bit when he was ready he was reang those charges, she was guilty of every charge.
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and then he said she was essentially okay. maria: i'm asking why. >> because i want to give everybody a good, fair chance. director comey was very, very good to hillary clinton. that i can tell you. if he weren't, she would be right now going to trial. maria: are you going to push back? >> i do want to talk about that. maria: in the last weeks of the obama presidency change the rules in terms of the intelligence agency. why do you think he did this? >> i'm going to let you figure that one out. so obvious. when you look at susan rice and what's going on and so many people coming and apologizing to say you are right when he said that. perhaps i didn't know how bad advice because we do know know the extent of it. maria: when he sent to treat him as is that which you were referring to? >> it was wiretap or "the new york times" that the word wiretapped in the headline and
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then they took it out of there fast when they realize. at the wiretapped "-end-quotes, meaning wiretapping in all fashions. this room is to have a lot of lawyers gave no it doesn't have so many liars. we talked about surveillance or whatever and you look at the extent of the surveillance. vm so many other people, it's terrible. >> susan rice -- >> nobody believes that. even the people that try to protect her in the news media. it is such a big s